Learn from Extraordinary Lovers

Years ago, I had the pleasure of attending an AASECT workshop led by Peggy Kleinplatz, Ph.D.. Kleinplatz is a clinical psychologist, a professor in the Faculty of Medicine and Director of the Optimal Sexual Experiences Research Team, at the University of Ottawa. She has been conducting empirical research on understanding what creates optimal sexual experiences and captures this in her book, Magnificent Sex. 

Rather than focus on dysfunction, her team studies folks who enjoy sex. Kleinplatz wanted to know, for the folks who report having great sex, what makes it great? How do they achieve this? What can we learn? 

The qualities discovered were universal across different groups. This included folks young and old, male and female, LGBTQ or straight, monogamous or consensually non-monogamous, kinky or vanilla, able-bodied or with disabilities.

Her research revealed information that she then broke down into 8 major components. I often reference these principles directly and indirectly when supporting my clients in creating a sex life worth wanting. 

I find this research critical to helping you understand how you can enjoy sex over the lifespan. Sex is not a static experience, rather it’s dynamic, always shifting according to time, space and context. Sex changes because you change and your relationships change over time. 

Read the components below and consider whether or not you practice these principles in how you think and feel about sex, approach your partner, respond to your partner, or engage sexually.

Components for Optimal Sexual Experiences

Being Present, Focused, Embodied

Being present, focused and embodied means being completely absorbed into the experience of touch, pleasure and sex. Kleinplatz emphasizes that this is not to be confused with mindfulness. 

Unlike mindfulness, which invites you to develop awareness of self from a detached view, great sex invites you to practice awareness and full immersion simultaneously. This requires bringing your fullest attention to the interaction, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually and leaning into the experience. 

The attention to self and to another is purposeful and leads to an immersive experience. It requires the removal of internal and external distractions. When you’ve arrived into the deepest parts of this state, you don’t think, you just instinctively, do. Body-led. No thought required.

Connection, Alignment, Merger, Being in Sync

It’s all about connection. Great sex feels like a fusion, where participants merge and become one. This merger is the deepest form of intimate connection. Flow is often experienced when folks are present, embodied, focused, aligned and merged. 

Often, participants in the study noted that these experiences don’t just happen. Extraordinary lovers prepare and plan for optimal sex. Whether that’s intentionally choosing to leave the mental to do list in another room, set a date on the calendar for connection, or, to clean up the space so that it’s free from distraction, a choice is made to connect on a deeper level.

Deep Sexual and Erotic Intimacy

This is where the relational component shapes the experience. Folks noted that magnificent sex involved feelings of mutual respect and trust. Many cited long term relationships as the field from which magnificent sex is most possible. Interesting considering that many folks in long term relationships struggle to sustain “the spark”, right?

This intimacy was characterized by words like care, trust, respect, liking and valuing the other. More than noting love as a component, these extraordinary lovers cited specific values or behavios that seemed to support the concept of love, more than love itself. All of this organically leads into the next component, which Kleinplatz highlighted as the most important of all the components. 

Extraordinary Communication and Heightened Empathy

In the conference, Kleinplatz shared that effective communication creates effective sex, but that magnificent communication gives you magnificent sex. Her point? Become a master at communication, not just average. 

Keep in mind that communication is both verbal and non-verbal and occurs before, during and after sex. Communication can include sex itself as a form of self-expression, but also the words that might be said, the body gestures or movements that might occur. 

Kleinplatz notes that extraordinary lovers share themselves fully and completely, bearing it all to their partners, unapologetically. Their expression is alive, engaging and vivid. They invite their partners into the exchange. Heightened empathy is a prerequisite for such vulnerability. 

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Authenticity, Being Genuine, Uninhibited, Transparent

How often do you share your most private desires, interests or fantasies with your partner? Honesty is a hallmark of magnificent sex, and of course, this requires a foundation that includes empathy, trust and complete acceptance. 

Kleinplatz notes that unlike the many spaces that you occupy in life, magnificent sex creates a space where you can fully let go of your inhibitions so that you can lean into pleasure. This is a space where you can grow relationally, revealing and receiving your truths, together. 

Vulnerability and Surrender

This component ties into the concept of the merger. True vulnerability and surrender feels like an out-of-body, or better yet, fully embodied experience. In fact, it’s so embodied that it can feel like a loss of self into the other, being swept up into the experience, no thoughts, just full surrender into your partner.

In order to allow yourself to go into the depths of this type of surrender, it inherently requires a willingness to be vulnerable and to trust the experience fully.

Exploration, Interpersonal Risk-Taking, Fun

Sex is play between consensual, mature adults. It can also be a path toward personal growth and discovery when you allow yourself to push or expand your own boundaries. It’s a place where you can explore your curiosities, laugh, experiment with something new, relax and simply play together. 

This isn’t so much about technique or positions as it is about sensually playing into the unknown, just beyond your familiar boundaries and taking risks to discover something new. 

Transcendence, Bliss, Transformation and Healing

Sex may start as a physical experience, that includes body positions, words, gestures, breath and/or toys, but magnificent lovers shared that ultimately, sex felt transcendent. Not in a religious or spiritual sense, but as a heightened sense of self, beyond their thinking brains, as if they’ve moved beyond their own skin into something greater.

This isn’t surprising since magnificent sex captures two distinct others merging as one. Time and space seem to become blurry when in the throes of this experience. It’s a reminder that as an individual, you might be amazing, but when merged with the other, you become so much more; magnified. 


Consider all of the places you might read or learn about how to have good sex: magazines, social media, websites, movies, novels. Nowhere do they capture what magnificient sex really looks and feels like; that it’s not so much about the physicality as it is about communication, empathy, connection and full embodiment.

For these extraordinary lovers, sex is a beneficial, growth-producing, expansive, other-wordly, transformative, life-altering experience. It contributes to their becoming, individually and relationally, across their lifespans. 

Kleinplatz has been able to capture hope; that sex can actually become better with age and maturity, and that everything that you need to make it happen lies deep within you. 

Let me repeat: Everything that you need for magnificent sex lies deep within YOU.

2023 Top Therapy Topics

What We Talked About in Therapy

As we conclude 2023, I’ve been reflecting on the recurring themes that presented in the therapy room this year. I know that many of my readers may also have some of these struggles. Know that you are not alone and it’s possible to feel better. I share some of them with you below in no particular order. 

Issue #1: Couples continue to adjust to post-pandemic life. 

Many couples continue to recover from the impact of the pandemic. Therapy seems to have focused on either healing relational wounds inflicted during the pandemic, or, adjusting to two partners sharing home space due to the “permanence” of remote work. 

During the pandemic, many couples struggled to share the same walls, day in and day out. Some experienced increased fighting, reliance on substances, depression, anxiety, lack of sex and general hopelessness. As a result, couples experienced deep relational wounds that still need healing. Our work has included processing the hurt feelings, restoring trust, working toward forgiveness and re-establishing safety and excitement in touch again.

On the flipside, other couples felt a real sense of team during the pandemic but weren’t prepared for the permanence of remote work. Space in the home doesn’t feel as free. The partner who may have always stayed home feels suffocated by the new work conditions. For these couples, our focus has been on the adjustment to this change, communicating needs, grieving pre-pandemic lifestyles, creating space and establishing healthy boundaries.

Issue #2: Women participate in marital sex out of duty, not desire.

Over and over, women told me that they didn’t want sex. Not only did they not want it, but they performed it anyway, out of duty. All of them thought something was wrong with them for not wanting sex, as did their partners.

In every case, my work began with the same message: “Let’s start by helping you stop having sex that you don’t want”. Alarmingly, this seemed like a radical idea to them. Our work began with establishing internal permissions – permission to say yes or no to sex, without guilt.

If their partners were involved in the therapy process, I also worked to help them take responsiblity for their own desire when their partner was tired, stressed, in physical pain, or simply not wanting to have sex. We redefined sex as a privilege and not a right and explored a concept that I call “buffet” style sex. 

Whether I worked with women individually or partnered, through psychosexual education, we worked to unpack and clearly understand desire, arousal, consent, sexual communication, and intimacy. We also created clear maps for what real intimacy looks and feels like over the relationship lifespan to help establish sexual intimacy worth wanting.

Issue #3: All humans can benefit from understanding their nervous system.

As human beings, we have pretty extraordinary internal mechanisms for survival. Intimate partnerships can kick your defense systems into high gear. Your nervous system constantly “reads the room”, assessing emotional, physical, mental and sexual safety. This includes interpretting your partner’s energy, tone of voice, body language, eye contact, words, passive aggressive and aggressive behaviors, always looking for safety and connection.

I’ve worked with many clients this year on helping them know their nervous systems better. They not only learned to identify when they would go into fight, flight, freeze or fawn state (defense mechanisms for survival), but also what triggered them to react. Even further, they developed coping skills for self-regulation, i.e. ways to bring their nervous system back into a state of safety and connection. 

It’s powerful to learn and understand how your body responds to stress. Knowing your nervous systems allows you to work with it instead of fight against it.

Issue #4: Everyone needs to move their bodies.

We all love to spend time up in our heads, thinking, planning, assessing, rehashing or rehearsing various thoughts. But when you want better mental health, better relationships and a more robust sex life, moving your body is key. 

Earlier this year, I heard the phrase, “Motion is Lotion”. It means that your body needs to move to lubricate your joints, circulate your blood to all parts of your body, increase oxygen to your cells, and strengthen your muscles.

I worked with folks by helping them learn how to stop living from the neck up, and instead, drop down into their bodies, and live from their whole bodies. This included exploring active movement on a daily basis, such as walking, dancing, yoga or pilates. We also discussed how to experience present centered awareness using the senses, including sight, taste, touch, scent and sound. We focused on creating whole body experiences.

Technology has had a profound impact on our daily movement. Remote work makes daily movement even harder. Many folks roll out of bed, into the kitchen for their coffee, then right  into the home office to access their computers. We don’t move our bodies enough!

Personally, I have found daily exercise to have profound impact, not only on my body, but in my thinking. Movement has helped me become clear, focused, motivated and strong. Clients have also reported similar results.

Therapy = Clarity and Change

Whether I’ve worked with women individually, or with couples in relationship counseling or sex therapy, we’ve talked about a wide range of topics that affect folks individually and relationally. 

All of my clients have trusted me with their journey and I’ve witnessed them work hard to find their own clarity, explore new ways of thinking and being, and improve connection to themselves and to others. Clients have found therapy to be life changing. 

If any of these topics feel familiar to you and you continue to feel stuck without improvement, professional counseling may help you. Remember, you don’t have to figure it all out on your own. Working with a licensed therapist can give you new perspectives, a space to explore different options, and new practices to try. 

It’s kind of like going to the gym. It can feel daunting at first but after the workout, you’re always glad you went because you feel more flexible, energized, stronger and better, in body, mind and spirit.

How Society Shapes Your Sex Life

Society and Your Sex Life

Society and it’s social norms strongly shape your sex life. As a child and adolescent, you absorbed messages from your family, friends, school system, neighbors, community, place of worship, politics, movies, books, magazines, social media and anywhere you were exposed to someone else’s ideas.

You were, and are like a sponge. As a kid, you didn’t yet have the full capacity to decide what messages to keep or which to discard. Unbeknownst to you, you took them all in, like a sponge absorbs liquid. 

This includes any messages that you got about sex. 

Males receive a specific set of stories that become beliefs. These stories create expectations of men when it comes to sex. Females receive a different set of stories that create an entirely different set of sexual beliefs and expectations for women. 

I’d bet that no one ever asked you, as an emerging sexual person, what your ideas, questions or curiosities were about sex. Instead, you had to rely on these stories or scripts as your go-to guidelines about sex. 

This article focuses on some of the most common sexual scripts that females grow up with, along with some sprinkles of scripting for males. Taken from the book For Each Other, Sharing Sexual Intimacy, written by Lonnie Barbach, Ph.D., the scripts below seem to resonate with many clients in my practice, of all genders. 

What’s Your Sexual Script?

Take a moment to read through the scripts below. Consider which ones might apply to you. While these may seem like they apply to cisgender, heterosexual couples, society’s gender norms and sexual scripts influence everyone’s sexual blueprint, no matter how you identify or who you engage with. If you grew up with even a small measure of exposure to these scripts, they travel with you into the bedroom, regardless of orientation or gender identity. 

Sexual Script #1: Puritanical/Victorian

In this script, sexual purity and innocence is valued over sexual pleasure. Females learn to downplay any interest or desire for sex. Any female seeking sexual pleasure is deemed as selfish. She’s not supposed to like sex, at least not in an obvious way. Instead, she should stay focused on helping others. 

Daughters are taught “not to go down that path” or receive no education from their parents at all, leaving them to rely on other means to obtain a sex education. She learns that if she becomes pregnant out of wedlock, “she deserved it” or is being “used”.

This results in sexual suppression. The female grows into a mature adult, unable to access her own sexual pleasure. She struggles to feel healthy and confident in her sexual exchanges or feels guilty and morally wrong talking about sex or engaging in it. 

Sexual Script #2: Sex is Good/Sex is Bad 

Females grow up confused about sex due to the mixed messages they receive from others.

On the one hand, they’re taught that sex is “dirty”. On the other hand, they’re told, “But save it for someone you love”. Why would anyone want to save something dirty for someone they love?

Encouraging virginity, females learn that their genitals are dirty and disgusting, especially once menstruation begins, but to “keep their genitals pure because it’s the greatest gift that you can give your spouse on your honeymoon”. 

This script values landing a “mate”. In order to land a mate, females walk a fine line between being attractive, flirtatious and seductive enough but not to the point of becoming pregnant. 

This results in a bodily detachment and walking a sexual tightrope. Instead of being in her body during sex, she’s mentally assessing what she should or shouldn’t be doing, or whether or not she is dirty. 

Sexual Script #3: Don’t Touch Me Down There

During infancy and early childhood, children naturally explore their genitals. In this script, females are taught not to look at their genitals or even touch them. 

Females experience a negative relationship with their bodies from an early age since body exploration is often punished. It leaves many females feeling concerned that they might look bad, smell bad or taste bad. 

As a result, females struggle to relax, let go and enjoy oral pleasure. They also fall behind men in developing a healthy masturbatory practice due to the “sinful” nature of the act. Sex then tends to bring more shame and guilt than pleasure.

In contrast, males are praised during early childhood for learning how to hold their penis properly during urination. While they may or may not be encouraged to masturbate, it is expected that they will do so.

Sexual Script #4: Sex is For Men 

In this script, unmarried women who have sex are used and married women who have sex only do it out of duty. Again, female sexual pleasure remains absent from the script. 

As a result, women never develop their own sense of sexual agency. They remain uncomfortable with sexual assertiveness around their wants, needs and desires. Women default to sexual participation as an act for their partner, not for themselves. 

Sexual Script #5: Fantasy Model of Sex

Influenced by the movies, books and pornography, this script sets both men and women up to feel pressured into having unrealistic sex. 

Males grow up believing that females want a perfect lover, who gives her sex hard and fast, with long lasting erections. Females also submit to performance, believing that sex should continuously build in intensity, resulting in mutual orgasms. 

As a result, partners stay focused on the goal of orgasms and fake “hot” sex, and minimize or ignore moments of real intimacy. They override the natural waxing and waning of various sexual feelings that can arise during the exchange. The intimacy is lost. 

Sexual Script #6: The Romance and Candlelight Script

Romance novels can set females up to believe that candlelight dinners will help them achieve orgasms. While candlelight dinners can be nice, it’s not a replacement for assertion, sexual communication and knowing how to experience real bodily pleasure.

This results in females leaving the sexual initiation to their partners. They do not talk about sex or what they long for, and follow, instead of lead, in their sexual exchanges, in an attempt to selflessly please their partner, just like in the novel.

Sexual Script #7: The Men Should Know Script

In this script, males are expected to be all-knowing sexual partners, able to anticipate his partner’s every need and to completely satisfy all desires. 

Most men receive little to no education on how to be a good lover, yet he is expected to perform well. If he asks for guidance, he could be viewed as less masculine, or inadequate. 

His partner, in turn, may not make corrections or redirects, out of fear of injuring his ego or threatening his masculinity. 

This powerful script keeps many couples stuck in less than satisfying sex lives.

Sexual Script #8: The Woman Can’t Talk Script

It’s extraordinary to me that so many couples have sex, yet so few actually talk about sex. Women in particular aren’t given the permission to freely engage in sexual conversation. Instead, women tend to feel embarrassed and awkward, unable to find the language that can help them get their sexual needs met. 

Fearing labels of being too “demanding” or “bitchy”, women learn to stay quiet. Yet research shows that women who speak up, state their preferences and who assert, have considerably more satisfying sexual experiences.

Sexual Script #9: Sex Equals Intercourse

Males and females tend to identify “real sex” as penetration or sexual intercourse and all other acts as less than. Females grow up engaging in “everything else”. They can spend hours in various sexual acts but those acts won’t count in the way penetration would. Typically, once intercourse occurs, all other acts become abbreviated.

Yet, the majority of women do not achieve orgasm by penetration alone. Over the lifespan, men can struggle with sustaining erections. 

This script leads to a less than satisfying sex life for the female partner, and/or, sexual pressure for a male partner to perform.

Sexual Script #10: The “One Right Way” 

This script requires sex to result in an orgasm yet most women don’t orgasm during penetration

Lonnie Barbach notes that “We let the man’s erection designate the beginning of sex and his ejaculation mark its termination”. 

If the male partner wants his female partner to orgasm first, there is often pressure felt by the female partner to orgasm in a certain amount of time and not “take too long”.

The emphasis on orgasm as the ultimate marker of good sex limits each partner’s ability to be in the pleasure of the journey. It supports sex as a goal-oriented experience and not a pleasure oriented experience, robbing both partners of a free flowing, organic, pleasurable exchange.


You may resonate with just one of these scripts, or parts of all of them. These stories run in the background of your sexual engagement, quietly influencing your ability to feel pleasure. 

Once you’ve identified the beliefs that sit in your story, grab a pen and paper and consider writing a new script. When it comes to sex, what matters to you most? How would you like to feel? What stories would you want to let go of? What would bring you pleasure?



5 Reasons Women Do Not Want Sex

Society and Your Sex Life

Society and it’s social norms strongly shape your sex life. As a child and adolescent, you absorbed messages from your family, friends, school system, neighbors, community, place of worship, politics, movies, books, magazines, social media and anywhere you were exposed to someone else’s ideas.

You were, and are like a sponge. As a kid, you didn’t yet have the full capacity to decide what messages to keep or which to discard. Unbeknownst to you, you took them all in, like a sponge absorbs liquid. 

This includes any messages that you got about sex. 

Males receive a specific set of stories that become beliefs. These stories create expectations of men when it comes to sex. Females receive a different set of stories that create an entirely different set of sexual beliefs and expectations for women. 

I’d bet that no one ever asked you, as an emerging sexual person, what your ideas, questions or curiosities were about sex. Instead, you had to rely on these stories or scripts as your go-to guidelines about sex. 

This article focuses on some of the most common sexual scripts that females grow up with, along with some sprinkles of scripting for males. Taken from the book For Each Other, Sharing Sexual Intimacy, written by Lonnie Barbach, Ph.D., the scripts below seem to resonate with many clients in my practice, of all genders. 

What’s Your Sexual Script?

Take a moment to read through the scripts below. Consider which ones might apply to you. While these may seem like they apply to cisgender, heterosexual couples, society’s gender norms and sexual scripts influence everyone’s sexual blueprint, no matter how you identify or who you engage with. If you grew up with even a small measure of exposure to these scripts, they travel with you into the bedroom, regardless of orientation or gender identity. 

Sexual Script #1: Puritanical/Victorian

In this script, sexual purity and innocence is valued over sexual pleasure. Females learn to downplay any interest or desire for sex. Any female seeking sexual pleasure is deemed as selfish. She’s not supposed to like sex, at least not in an obvious way. Instead, she should stay focused on helping others. 

Daughters are taught “not to go down that path” or receive no education from their parents at all, leaving them to rely on other means to obtain a sex education. She learns that if she becomes pregnant out of wedlock, “she deserved it” or is being “used”.

This results in sexual suppression. The female grows into a mature adult, unable to access her own sexual pleasure. She struggles to feel healthy and confident in her sexual exchanges or feels guilty and morally wrong talking about sex or engaging in it. 

Sexual Script #2: Sex is Good/Sex is Bad 

Females grow up confused about sex due to the mixed messages they receive from others.

On the one hand, they’re taught that sex is “dirty”. On the other hand, they’re told, “But save it for someone you love”. Why would anyone want to save something dirty for someone they love?

Encouraging virginity, females learn that their genitals are dirty and disgusting, especially once menstruation begins, but to “keep their genitals pure because it’s the greatest gift that you can give your spouse on your honeymoon”. 

This script values landing a “mate”. In order to land a mate, females walk a fine line between being attractive, flirtatious and seductive enough but not to the point of becoming pregnant. 

This results in a bodily detachment and walking a sexual tightrope. Instead of being in her body during sex, she’s mentally assessing what she should or shouldn’t be doing, or whether or not she is dirty. 

Sexual Script #3: Don’t Touch Me Down There

During infancy and early childhood, children naturally explore their genitals. In this script, females are taught not to look at their genitals or even touch them. 

Females experience a negative relationship with their bodies from an early age since body exploration is often punished. It leaves many females feeling concerned that they might look bad, smell bad or taste bad. 

As a result, females struggle to relax, let go and enjoy oral pleasure. They also fall behind men in developing a healthy masturbatory practice due to the “sinful” nature of the act. Sex then tends to bring more shame and guilt than pleasure.

In contrast, males are praised during early childhood for learning how to hold their penis properly during urination. While they may or may not be encouraged to masturbate, it is expected that they will do so.

Sexual Script #4: Sex is For Men 

In this script, unmarried women who have sex are used and married women who have sex only do it out of duty. Again, female sexual pleasure remains absent from the script. 

As a result, women never develop their own sense of sexual agency. They remain uncomfortable with sexual assertiveness around their wants, needs and desires. Women default to sexual participation as an act for their partner, not for themselves. 

Sexual Script #5: Fantasy Model of Sex

Influenced by the movies, books and pornography, this script sets both men and women up to feel pressured into having unrealistic sex. 

Males grow up believing that females want a perfect lover, who gives her sex hard and fast, with long lasting erections. Females also submit to performance, believing that sex should continuously build in intensity, resulting in mutual orgasms. 

As a result, partners stay focused on the goal of orgasms and fake “hot” sex, and minimize or ignore moments of real intimacy. They override the natural waxing and waning of various sexual feelings that can arise during the exchange. The intimacy is lost. 

Sexual Script #6: The Romance and Candlelight Script

Romance novels can set females up to believe that candlelight dinners will help them achieve orgasms. While candlelight dinners can be nice, it’s not a replacement for assertion, sexual communication and knowing how to experience real bodily pleasure.

This results in females leaving the sexual initiation to their partners. They do not talk about sex or what they long for, and follow, instead of lead, in their sexual exchanges, in an attempt to selflessly please their partner, just like in the novel.

Sexual Script #7: The Men Should Know Script

In this script, males are expected to be all-knowing sexual partners, able to anticipate his partner’s every need and to completely satisfy all desires. 

Most men receive little to no education on how to be a good lover, yet he is expected to perform well. If he asks for guidance, he could be viewed as less masculine, or inadequate. 

His partner, in turn, may not make corrections or redirects, out of fear of injuring his ego or threatening his masculinity. 

This powerful script keeps many couples stuck in less than satisfying sex lives.

Sexual Script #8: The Woman Can’t Talk Script

It’s extraordinary to me that so many couples have sex, yet so few actually talk about sex. Women in particular aren’t given the permission to freely engage in sexual conversation. Instead, women tend to feel embarrassed and awkward, unable to find the language that can help them get their sexual needs met. 

Fearing labels of being too “demanding” or “bitchy”, women learn to stay quiet. Yet research shows that women who speak up, state their preferences and who assert, have considerably more satisfying sexual experiences.

Sexual Script #9: Sex Equals Intercourse

Males and females tend to identify “real sex” as penetration or sexual intercourse and all other acts as less than. Females grow up engaging in “everything else”. They can spend hours in various sexual acts but those acts won’t count in the way penetration would. Typically, once intercourse occurs, all other acts become abbreviated.

Yet, the majority of women do not achieve orgasm by penetration alone. Over the lifespan, men can struggle with sustaining erections. 

This script leads to a less than satisfying sex life for the female partner, and/or, sexual pressure for a male partner to perform.

Sexual Script #10: The “One Right Way” 

This script requires sex to result in an orgasm yet most women don’t orgasm during penetration

Lonnie Barbach notes that “We let the man’s erection designate the beginning of sex and his ejaculation mark its termination”. 

If the male partner wants his female partner to orgasm first, there is often pressure felt by the female partner to orgasm in a certain amount of time and not “take too long”.

The emphasis on orgasm as the ultimate marker of good sex limits each partner’s ability to be in the pleasure of the journey. It supports sex as a goal-oriented experience and not a pleasure oriented experience, robbing both partners of a free flowing, organic, pleasurable exchange.


You may resonate with just one of these scripts, or parts of all of them. These stories run in the background of your sexual engagement, quietly influencing your ability to feel pleasure. 

Once you’ve identified the beliefs that sit in your story, grab a pen and paper and consider writing a new script. When it comes to sex, what matters to you most? How would you like to feel? What stories would you want to let go of? What would bring you pleasure?



What Happens in Sex Therapy?

 Feeling ambivalent about sex therapy? 

When a couple comes in for sex therapy, I can feel their combined energy of eagerness and hesitation. On the one hand, you’ve finally decided to get help for a sexual concern. You did your research to find a qualified therapist, scheduled the appointment, and have arrived at your first session.

Time to find solutions, right?

On the other hand, your sex life is often a private topic. You’re meeting with a stranger. You’re about to talk about deeply personal issues. “Putting it all out there” can feel uncomfortable, risky, and difficult. You may not want to hurt your partner’s feelings or perhaps you don’t want to be seen as “the problem” partner. 

In the early stages of sex therapy, I like to focus on building a relationship with the couple and with each partner individually. Sure, I ask questions about your sex life, but I also step beyond that to learn about you as a whole person. Our conversations touch on a wide variety of life experiences, not just sex.

Why? Sex doesn’t sit in a vacuum by itself. Many of your life experiences influence your sexual expression or lack of expression. All of your life domains intersect and influence each other.

What Do We Talk About First?

Within the first four or five sessions, we typically cover an overview of your current relationship story, including a full relationship history to help clarify how you’ve arrived at where you are today. 

We also talk about your career, parenting (if applicable), your medical history, mental health struggles, stress management and how you handle your emotions, the family you grew up with, physical health, traumas, losses, adjustments, and of course, your sex life. 

The Early Sessions

When we focus on your sex life, we’ll explore the quality and frequency of sex, any dysfunctions, anxieties, worries or pain associated with sex, along with your history of sexual desire, arousal, and pleasure. We’ll explore when in life you feel most relaxed and how you feel when you take time to focus on your body. 

Some of this conversation happens within a couples therapy format. I also schedule a few individual sessions with each person to help me connect with each partner separately and apart from the context of the relationship. 

Ultimately, while one partner may become the designated “patient”, the relationship as a whole is my client. Any suggestions or feedback that I offer, even when it’s directed toward one partner or the other, is in support of creating a healthy, vibrant relationship. 

Laying the Groundwork for Deeper Conversations

While you may want to jump right in to find quick solutions to your problems, sex therapy doesn’t typically unfold that way. 

According to John Gottman, Ph.D., couples will sit with their problem for an average of five years before they decide to reach out for help through couples therapy. While I don’t have the research on how long it takes couples to reach out specifically for sex therapy, I imagine it would be even longer due to the sensitivity of the topic. 

Since the problems don’t typically just arrive overnight but build over time, the process of healing or finding resolve takes at least 10 sessions to feel a shift. Even if a breakthrough happens quickly, sustaining sexual health and wellness takes time and repeated practice.

Creating the Right Pace

Since most couples experience both an eagerness and a hesitation to resolve their sexual issues, the pace of the work matters. Move too fast, and it will overwhelm you. Move too slowly, and you’ll feel like you’re not making progress. A good, productive sex therapy experience requires us to find the sweet spot that generates progress but also feels manageable. 

Important Questions in Sex Therapy

Early on, I love to explore what may seem like “basic” questions/answers about sex with couples. These questions often give couples pause because they’re the types of questions most folks don’t really think about when it comes to sex.

The first question is: What is sex?

Seems obvious, I know. But seriously, when you say, “We had sex” or “We’re not having sex,” what exactly are you referring to? Think about how you might answer that question before reading further.

Most heterosexual, cisgender couples say that sex is intercourse. 

Then I ask, does that include orgasm?

Most people say yes.

Then I ask, for both partners? One partner? If the other partner didn’t orgasm during intercourse, did sex happen?

Now the conversation gets more interesting. The pause and the uncertainty set in. 

These questions open up an interesting conversation about sex, how you define it, what qualifies as sex, and how that definition shapes your sexual desire and experience.

My Favorite Follow-Up Question in Sex Therapy

After we explore what sex is, how each partner defines it, and consider how their definitions influence each partner’s desire for sex, we then deepen the conversation. 

My follow-up question is: Why do you have sex? 

Again, this may seem obvious, but I guarantee that most people have never actually thought about it. Most partners default into the action of having sex (according to their definition) without considering why they do it. 

Some answers might include: 

  • Because it feels good
  • For closeness
  • For a release
  • Because I’m supposed to

Why do people, in general, have sex?

Then we look beyond the couple’s reason, and I’ll ask: Why do people, in general, have sex? What are the many reasons someone might have sex?

Some couples will list the very same reasons as their own and not move beyond that. In that case, I help them out by offering some ideas. Other couples may add reasons for having sex that go beyond their own motives.

Some of these can include:

  • Stress relief
  • For fun
  • To feel powerful
  • To feel desired

I might add some additional ideas, such as:

  • For revenge
  • To feel loved
  • To feel attractive
  • For spiritual enlightenment
  • For money
  • To feel valuable
  • To manipulate
  • For comfort
  • Out of boredom

This exercise helps couples learn and understand that sex with another person is a complex experience. It has many sides, outcomes, and functions. One partner’s definition of sex may not match the other’s. One partner’s “why” may be different from their beloved’s. 

When Your Sexual Motives Differ

If one partner uses sex as a stress release, but the other partner uses sex to feel connected, the mismatched energy and motive is felt. The partner who uses sex as a stress release may not be very focused on making the kind of connection their partner wants. This difference can shut sex down completely in a relationship.

In sex therapy, the solution is not a matter of finding a way to “just do it”. Sex is an existential experience. Meaning-making is an important part of the work to help create healthy, consensual sexual expression and engagement. 

Setting the Stage for Deeper Work

These preliminary conversations create a backdrop for you to explore your own motives, values, and reasons for wanting or not wanting sex. 

It creates the foundation to address longstanding concerns such as sexual desire differences, sex after having a baby, sex after a diagnosis, performance issues, or sexual pain.

As sex therapy unfolds over several weeks, I’ll often refer back to your “what” and “why”. These ideas may evolve as therapy progresses, with their “what” and “why” changing.

Your sex life is not a static experience.  It’s dynamic and changes over the relationship lifespan. That means that your “what,” and your “why” needs to have some flexibility to support change, as well as room to grow. 

In Summary

These seemingly “basic” conversations create a gentle entry into the private lives of a couple’s sex life. It helps establish a safe environment to explore the complex and nuanced topic of sex. 

The work focuses on a combination of therapeutic conversations, sexual re-education, sexual communication practices, healing of erotic wounds, and exercises for home practice. This combination focuses specifically on the couple’s unique goals. 

Over time, the hesitation that once accompanied the eagerness lessens as the couple begins to develop a richer understanding of their sexual selves and their sexual relationship. 

They typically gain confidence in themselves as sexual beings and clarity in their sexual and relational needs. They strengthen sexual communication and find a way to honor each other and the relationship as a whole. 


